School as a social environment

"The idea, of a school having walls, disappears. Parents are part of the school; friends are part of the school. That's why we say: 'learning is a philosophy, it's a state of mind'." - JP Rangaswami. (2010)


The school is becoming an ever more important meeting place. For children, the school is often the only place where they meet their friends, and parents can catch up at the school gate. 21st century learners, do not necessarily go to school that is near by. They often travel several miles to the school of their choice. As a result, these school buildings are also becoming social hubs and places of informal information exchange. The school's infrastructure adapts in order to incorporate this social aspect.


This can be achieved through lounge areas, work spaces for individual or group work; waiting rooms, both outside and inside. Learning becomes a lifelong "way of living". The school building should underline that learning can be pleasant, and not only rigorous and restrictive.

Source: New world of learning (