All-day community school

"The degree to which group spaces are shared by the community - during or outside the school day - will vary from school to school. Primary school group spaces (particularly at infant level) are less likely to be
shared because of the differences in furniture size and the vulnerability of displays."
- Schools for the future. DfES. (2002)


In some education systems around the world, it has been a common approach in recent years, in order to keep major investments in school buildings profitable, to integrate other non-education related functions
in the same buildings. These are often: libraries, sports facilities, multipurpose rooms, nurseries… They could be functionally linked to the school itself, but are often accessible also outside school hours.
This requires a certain flexibility in the design and use, which is referred to as allday community school. The functions, use and perceptions of a school building are extended to a more general complex
of public spaces.

School as a social environment

"The idea, of a school having walls, disappears. Parents are part of the school; friends are part of the school. That's why we say: 'learning is a philosophy, it's a state of mind'." - JP Rangaswami. (2010)


The school is becoming an ever more important meeting place. For children, the school is often the only place where they meet their friends, and parents can catch up at the school gate. 21st century learners, do not necessarily go to school that is near by. They often travel several miles to the school of their choice. As a result, these school buildings are also becoming social hubs and places of informal information exchange. The school's infrastructure adapts in order to incorporate this social aspect.


Schools under pressure

Pupils are changing: Networking generation

The social context around education and society in general is constantly changing. And in recent years even faster than ever. School is given an increasingly more important responsibility in our society. Once having a major social impact on the people, associations or religions are being pushed more and more to the background. Now education is practically the only context where every citizen is obligated to participate. In this situation schools are (against their will?) being given a greater social role. The school becomes a meeting place, a place of social integration and transfer of information for both children and their parents. Companies also set higher demands for schools. The contemporary world of work does not require hundreds of easily replaceable blue or white collar machine cogs, but rather independent, innovative and proactive employees.To make it harder still, education in its traditional form has lost its monopoly in terms of knowledge transfer. Modern media such as TV, the web and others become more and more influential.


Vanerum•Stelter Commits to a National Showroom: Commencing Neocon 2011


Merchandise Mart - Chicago, IL
Grand Rapids, MI, furniture manufacturer, Vanerum•Stelter is embracing the global market by expanding its US and international presence. Vanerum•Stelter announces the grand opening of a new showroom located on the 11th floor of the Merchandise Mart in Downtown Chicago. The new showroom is a giant step forward and signifies worldwide growth as the Vanerum Group prepares to open its first North American Showroom. Vanerum•Stelter and European partner, Vanerum Group, are known for bringing innovative furniture products to the market place. The design of the showroom will truly reflect the i3 Environments philosophy by implementing interactive and integrated products to create inspiring communities of knowledge, ie: education, work and healthcare environments (#i3learning).


Why can't some kids seem to sit still in school? It could be their chair

GRAND RAPIDS — Why can't some kids seem to sit still in school?
It could be their chair.

 Grand Rapids furniture firm Vanerum Stelter is finding success with its solution: the Opti+ line of flexible chairs and desks.
The furniture allows the user to achieve a natural resting position, which lets the spine carry the body's weight in a more healthy way, said Jim Stelter, co-owner of Vanerum Stelter, at 549 Ionia Ave SW., which makes school and institutional furniture.

school furniture